Home » Levin Center at Work
Levin Center at Work
We offer a wide range of programs from training for lawmakers, to fellowships for scholars, and internships for students. We also create content on a variety of topics related to oversight. Find out more about the Levin Center at work.

Congressional Lawmakers
Find out about our workshops and resources for congressional lawmakers.
Congressional Lawmakers
Boot Camps
Online Tutorials
Oversight Resources
Clerk Workshops
Case Law Library
Online Tutorials
Oversight Resources
Clerk Workshops
Case Law Library

State Lawmakers
Find out about our workshops and resources for state lawmakers.
State Lawmakers
State Oversight Workshops
State Oversight Resources
50 State Study
State Oversight Resources
50 State Study

Oversight Scholars
Find out about our resources for scholars and researchers of legislative oversight.
Oversight Scholars
Oversight Library
Case Law Library
Oversight Fellowships
Oversight Research Award
Portraits in Oversight
Case Law Library
Oversight Fellowships
Oversight Research Award
Portraits in Oversight

Students & Educators
Find out about our programs for law students, civic education for high school students, and resources for educators.
Students & Educators
Wayne Law Student Internships
Civic Education Resources "Learning by Hearings"
Portraits in Oversight
Civic Education Resources "Learning by Hearings"
Portraits in Oversight

People-Centered Oversight
Our goal is to bring innovative technology and community organizing into the work of oversight, government transparency, and accountability. Through community workshops designed to identify issues and elevate the power of individual storytelling, we are seeking to enliven and democratize legislative oversight.

International Work
We have been privileged to provide training and guidance on legislative oversight to European Union institutions and other international actors. More information coming soon!